Dr. Popa, our fearless leader, asked if we would be willing to commit to a 36-hour fast. People fast for many reasons; spiritual, health, challenge, or cleansing just to name a few. Our group thought it would be an appropriate opportunity to become more introspective, and focus our minds on the work we will be setting out to do tomorrow. I have been known to fast and detox from time to time, so I readily agreed. I suggested a more meaningful goal of giving up something that would truly be a challenge. Our group decided technology and food woul be enough of a challenge. I personally felt this would be a little challenging but nothing to drastic. I kept my mind open to finding something else more challenging to give up.
I thought about it. Nothing really perked my interest until the first full morning of the full day without food. I woke up and went to make coffee and realized in order to be transparent in my commitment, coffee would have to go. If you don't know me personally you should know, I love coffee. As in lurve it. So, with my bean grinder in one hand and fresh Thomas Hammer La Revolution beans in the other I sighed and put them away and reached for yet another glass of distilled water.
I drank it.
Nowhere even close to the satisfaction I get from a cup of coffee.
As the day progressed, I was hungry, but didn't find it to distracting. What was distracting, however was how incomplete I felt without my joe.
I decided to start packing. When I took a step back to take in my suitcase and all I had put in, I realized there are many things in my life I feel complete me almost to the point where they have their own person just like my darling Joe; Chuck Taylor, Oliver Peoples, my books, etc. I am not by any stretch a walking bill board. However, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I need. Want yes, but even that list is not long.
Today was the end of our 36-hours. When I woke up this morning I drank yet another big glass of distilled water ate a piece of fruit and went to yoga. After my yoga class, I didn't have my coffee. I am waiting one more day, because I know I will appreciate it that much more. Going without, gives us time to appreciate what we take for granted. But, it is clear to me that regardless of whether I have a cup or three cups of coffee or none at all, my cup is half full.
I love this post Naomi... Definately a transparent sacrifice without a doubt! I am proud of you and now that I am signed up to follow your blog, I'm looking forward to reading all of your other posts too... Love you...